The KDKD Pet of the Week is Juliet! An absolute DARLING of a puppy who needs a foster home to help her recover from a recent removal of an unfortunate abcess--not that she lets that slow her down much. 🥰
Adrianne (Host) :
Welcome back to KDKD Pet of the Week, brought to you by Davin Newman State Farm and The Dog Groomer. This is Adrienne, and with me is Ms. Laura Himes of the Clinton Animal Rescue Endeavor and the Clinton Animal Shelter. Hello, Ms. Laura.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
And who is snuggling in my lap right now?
Laura (Guest) :
I brought Juliet in today.
Adrianne (Host) :
Juliet? What a Beautiful name for a beautiful puppy.
Laura (Guest) :
And she's going to be snoring here in just a minute. She's found a good comfy spot. She's sitting on her lap right now.Â
Adrianne (Host):
You are so sweet.
Laura (Guest) :
Getting lots of snuggles. Juliet is mostly reddish brown in color. She does have black around her nose, some white tips on her toes, and she has a black stripe on the center of her tail. I think the dark color around her mouth may be blackmouth cur as a breed. I'm not 100% certain. She is a puppy. She's only about nine weeks old. So she was found along with a bunch of litter mates. We have two sets of puppies right now. And I kind of get confused as to which one came with which. But one of them, one set of puppies was found inside of a crate. Just abandoned, you know, out in the middle of no man's land. And like I said, I'm not sure if it was her group or if it was the other group, so I don't want to misspeak and tell the wrong set of information. But either way, it was a bad situation on both sets of puppies. They both need help. And Juliet, as you notice, is laying in your lap and is very tired and kind of lethargic acting, which is not normal for a puppy of nine weeks old. But when she came in, she had a giant abscess on her chest. And, you know, that could be, you know, another dog nipped her and it got infected. Or it could be, you know, there was a piece of debris in the yard or something that she ran and stuck herself on. You know, we just don't really know exactly what happened there, but there was a lot of infection. So now that it was so large, she's been to the vet. They've checked her all over. There's nothing broken, nothing, you know, the shoulders, no, no hips. This, you know, nothing's damaged. dislocated she should be able to walk fine with no problems the abscess itself was kind of slowing her down i think probably because it hurt you know and was causing discomfort and i think that may be why they thought possibly a dislocation of the leg was what that was why we did the x-rays and stuff like that but um they went ahead and drained that and she is on antibiotics but um You know, it's just going to take a little while to build back up. Anybody that's been sick understands that. You know, it's like if you had the really bad flu for a while, you don't go back the next day and go, oh, I'm 100%. Yeah, right. Time for that marathon. Yeah. I'll get three blocks and just drop.
Adrianne (Host) :
Yeah, right. Time for that marathon!
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. I'll get three blocks and just drop.
Adrianne (Host) :
It just takes a while to rest up. But you know what? For having been sick, she is in such good spirits. Her tail has wagged this whole time.
Laura (Guest) :
She's a happy girl still. Yes, she is. It didn't make her... negative in any respect. She's a happy little girl. She's exploring right now, so I'm not sure--I'm hoping that we're not looking for a bathroom break, but you never know with a puppy. You just don't know. But we are asking if there's anybody out there that would be interested in fostering puppies--and there's so many that we're not going to say, "hey, you have to take all eight!" or something like that. If you could take two, if you could take one, we're willing to break them up. Two is nice, but in her case, one would be better just because we're looking for a medical foster for her. She is going to have to... You know, make sure that that stays dry and clean and keep her on her antibiotics regular and stuff like that. But with all of them, they're going to have to be kind of contained in an area because they're not fully vaccinated yet. So we can't have them...
Adrianne (Host) :
--I'm sorry
Laura (Guest) :
...running around somebody's backyard--no, you're fine.Â
Adrianne (Host) : it's not the subject matter. She is...
Laura (Guest) :
No, she's chewing on your fingers!
Adrianne (Host) :
It's very sad that the puppies have to be confined, and that is serious, but Juliet is being very sweet and distracted me, so sorry listeners, miss laura, other puppies...
Laura (Guest) : I'm seeing what's going on! I know exactly what's going on--she's chewing on your...
That was so sweet. It was just a little love nibble. She didn't even really bite. She just wanted to hold it.
Laura (Guest) :
Just grab a hold of you. It's like, "I like you." But she does like to be, she does like to be snuggled. Of course, you know, anybody like this is a pack animal. They like to dog pile. So if they don't have another puppy, you're it. Right. So, oh, you got my shoestring now. And she, again, not pulling or chewing too much. Just got a hold of it.
Adrianne (Host) :
Just to see what it does.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, "I'm not getting in trouble yet, so I'll just move on to my next subject."
Adrianne (Host) :
"What else can I put in my mouth?"
Laura (Guest) :
"Yeah, that's not going to get me in trouble." No wires, though. Please, no wires.
Adrianne (Host) :
No, that's on the no list. I'd like to be a pushover with puppies, but that will get us all in trouble. The dog that ate KDKD. You could be famous, Juliet. In a really not good way. You wouldn't ever, would you? You would. I see you. But the puppies need to be kept a little bit separate from the big dogs.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
Because they can't be fully vaccinated yet.
Laura (Guest) :
Right. And we just, you know, they're still babies. It's just like having a baby people. You just have to keep them protected. I mean, you just have to have a little common sense there and think, you know, maybe you shouldn't be playing with a Rottweiler that's full size or just not yet. You know, give it about two months and then we'll talk. Right. Soon.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, be hanging from their tail and be okay. And as far as size, really don't know. I would say at least medium size. I don't see her being a really, really big dog, but I don't think she's going to be tiny either. Right.
Adrianne (Host) :
She's not a teacup, whatever she is.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, at this age, she's already fairly tall.
Adrianne (Host) :
But she doesn't have the huge feet or the great big head where you're like, "oh, you're going to be big."
Laura (Guest) :
Medium. I could see 100 pounds of dog food in you. Right. And for being a puppy, she's really well behaved. But, you know, again, part of that's probably because she's not feeling 100%. Right. You know, you get her all cranked up and feeling 100%. She may be a little more active and destructive.
Adrianne (Host) :
Let her come into her own zoomies again.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
Good girl. That was good.
Laura (Guest) :
She sat in the car really well. I guess yesterday she rode over to the vet and was very quiet and was really well behaved. In a kennel, of course. We figured out how to pull she's strings now. Good job. She's a fast learner. Nice to see. Yeah, if you're interested, and of course, as always, right now we are loaded. We have so many dogs, all sizes, all shapes, all colors, all breeds. We've got everything from Samson, the great big blonde and white guy who is so gentle at walking and so well behaved, to little bitty guys like this. Mm-hmm. We also we still have Travis Kelce, which is kind of really blows my mind because he's a he's a smaller to medium sized little man and he's very well behaved. Sure. You remember he had the perky ears, little black and white. He was the one who would politely ask to be petted if you forgot. Yeah, he comes up and just taps you with his paw. It's like, I'm here and you forgot. So most of them are just really well behaved, already house trained, already vaccinated, already walking great on a leash. We'd like to keep them into that routine. So when they go home, you know, it kind of cuts down on your... A little bit smoother transition. Yeah, it's a little bit easier for you. Hopefully for the adopter, you know, it's like take them home. They're already ready to go. I think we're eating a dust bunny.
Adrianne (Host) :
She'll be at it.
Laura (Guest) :
Okay what are you doing sissy but nothing too bad we're just kind of cruising so if you're interested in in anybody in particular please give us a call ask questions you know if Heidi or Pam or one of the girls is there they'll tell you everything they know about the dog: good, bad, or indifferent. They'll let you know you know it's better to be honest and truthful and let you know everything than you know not tell everything and then have them come back. We don't want that; we want them to stick where they go. So you can give us a call anytime 660-885-7999. If no one answers, please leave a message; they will call you back. Sometimes it takes them a little while because, you know
Adrianne (Host) :you're just busy right?
Laura (Guest) : Yeah we're just not doing anything! Just laundry dishes, cleaning up after puppies. You know the cleaning up after a puppy? Oh, my gosh. If you've got, which we have eight in one group and at least four in another group, and I believe there's a couple extra on top of that. You know, that's an all-day, 365-day chore.
Adrianne (Host) :
Sure. One puppy will keep you pretty busy, but that many...
Laura (Guest) :
That many keeps you hopping. If you're interested, please give us a holler. And it's kitten season, too, so babies on that side, too. So if you're more interested in kittens, please give us a call. We have lots of kittens in foster. So if you come into the shelter and you don't see what you're looking for, ask if we've got something like what you're looking for. Because I bet we'll find one for you.
Adrianne (Host) :
If it's not there now, it probably will be very soon.
Laura (Guest) :
This year we were kind of late, but we're catching up now. It seems like you really have.
Adrianne (Host) :
All right. Is that everything? Juliet, do you have anything to add?
Laura (Guest) :
I think that's about everything I can think of. But check us out on Facebook. We always post pictures every day. So scroll down through there. You'll see a bunch. You'll probably see one of her maybe right before her veterinary visit. And then all of her siblings. We have some. If you're not into brown and white like she is, we've got a bunch of little black and white ones. And we have one little girl down there that is all white.
Adrianne (Host) :
Oh, wow.
Laura (Guest) :
Very pretty. So just kind of unique. You know, a lot of times I don't want to say she's prettier than everybody else because I don't feel that way. I think it's just different. You know, she's different from some of the other ones. Yeah. We're over testing wires. Please don't do that. Don't get me in so much trouble. Me too.
Adrianne (Host) :
All of us.
Laura (Guest) :
Selfie. She's really having fun exploring now.
Adrianne (Host) :
Which is great except for the wires, Juliet.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. Everything's finding some wires. We don't do that in here. And open Monday through Friday, I believe, until, you know, we're alternating days. Part of the week we're there until 4. Two days a week we're there until 6. I believe it's Tuesdays and Thursdays we're there until 6. So, you know, just check us out on Facebook. You want to make sure that we're there. And Saturday from noon to 4. So, closed on Sunday, but that doesn't mean that there won't be anybody there because we always walk every single day. Yeah. Some days if you stop by and the place is actually closed, you'll see people out walking because they have to have exercise. So you can ask those people questions, but they may be going, I just walk dogs. I don't know. They're not being rude. They just don't know. That's what I do. It's like, I don't know.
Adrianne (Host) :
I put the leash on the dog. I take the dog for a walk.
Laura (Guest) :
Laura (Guest) :
I pick up the poop.
Adrianne (Host) :
That's all I do.
Laura (Guest) :
This one is frisky. I can tell you that. Yeah, they can tell you that. Just about every one of our walkers knows which one's a really good walker and which one is, oh, I have to take that one out today. I'm not sure I had enough Wheaties this morning.
Adrianne (Host) :
We double up my grip on the leash.
Laura (Guest) :
This one's still in training is what that means. Right.
Adrianne (Host) :
Did you get a treat? Was it good? Aw. You want a little more?
Laura (Guest) :
We have a baby eating all kinds of little treats.
Adrianne (Host) :
That's better than a dust bunny, right? Way better than a wire. Yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. Sticks to my teeth. It's kind of like eating a bit of honey. You see her clapping her. It's like, it's on the roof of my mouth. It's like peanut butter. That'll keep you busy. Yeah, she's still chewing.
Adrianne (Host) :
Good girl, Juliet. All right. Well, if you can, come on out and meet some of these puppies. Puppypalooza at the Clinton Animal Shelter. And they would love some fosters. So if you want to take one home for a little while, especially Miss Juliet, who is sweet as can be. Yes, you are. But again, if you would like a kitten, an older cat, an older dog, if you want an energetic dog, a sleepy dog, Clinton Animal Shelter has it all. Just call up and ask. They will help you find exactly who you're looking for because they know and they won't lie to you.
Laura (Guest) :
We want them to go home for good, not for just a day or two. Right. And you can foster to adopt if you're not sure. If you're kind of on the fence. Yeah, take one home. Try them out. Kind of get everybody's routine. See if everybody is capiche.
Adrianne (Host) :
If you really fall in love with Juliet's gorgeous red hair, which is understandable, but you're not sure what she's going to be like once she gets feeling better and frisky. You can take her home. She needs a foster. Try it out. And if she is not the dog for you, once the zoomies come in, she can come back to the shelter and maybe find her forever home with someone who loves zoomies. Or maybe she'll just be so sleepy and cute that you just can't stand it and you need somebody with some zoomies.
Laura (Guest) :
She's a good exercise plan. Just in case, you know, she gets a little bit older. You need to go for a walk. She needs to go for a walk. So after she's fully vaccinated, it would be perfect to get her out and get you out.
Adrianne (Host) :
Oh, sure. That would be a good couch to 5K. The puppies are little. They go for little walks and they get bigger. They go for bigger walks.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
You can grow along with Juliet.
Laura (Guest) :
Kind of a motivator for both. I know a lot of people who have done that. You know, it's like, you know, I need to get a dog so I'll get more exercise in my life. Yeah.
Adrianne (Host) :
She won my pocket. I don't have anything in there. It was cute. Just checking. Donate, volunteer, foster, adopt if you can. Clinton Animal Shelter has plenty of animals who need lots of love. And Juliet has discovered treats she would love to share her toys with you. Thanks for coming out today, Ms. Laura.
Laura (Guest) :
Oh, thank you for having us. Absolutely.
Adrianne (Host) :
We're always happy to see you, Juliet. Very happy to see you, you good girl. Thanks to our sponsors, Davin Newman State Farm and The Dog Groomer. And thanks to all of you for listening. Take care.