Toby just might be the new recordholder for tiniest Pet of the Week. A small, fuzzy gray kitten recovering from an animal bite on his hip who is absolutely, overwhelmingly,Ā adorable--and not a bit humble about it, either. š„°
Adrianne (Host) :
Welcome back to KDKD Pet of the Week, brought to you by Davin Newman State Farm and the Dog Groomer. This is Adrianne, and with me in the studio is Ms. Laura Himes of the Clinton Animal Rescue Endeavor and the Clinton Animal Shelter. Hello, Ms. Laura. Hello. And who is snuggling up to me right now?
Laura (Guest) :
I brought Toby in.
Adrianne (Host) :
Hello, Toby. You tiny, tiny cutie.
Laura (Guest) :
And we're shaking it up because this time Toby is a kitty. He's a baby kitty. So Toby came to us. He'd had an injury to his, I'm trying to think, it's on his right hip. And something larger than him had gotten a hold of him and punctured it and broke a bone. And by the time we got him, he was already starting to heal, which is a good thing. But it also meant we couldn't repair it unless we re-break and do that kind of stuff. And it's like, eh, he's a baby kitty. Let's just let him handle his own thing. So he may have a little bit of a limp, possibly a little wobble to him. I think a lot of it he'll grow out of. I think he's going to learn to adjust and be just fine. It's healing really well, and it hasn't hurt the per motor at all. Not a bit. He's still a very happy little boy.
Adrianne (Host) :
I bet they can hear you.
Laura (Guest) :
The only difference with him is he may not be quite as destructive, hopefully.
Adrianne (Host) :
Well, hopefully.
Laura (Guest) :
But other than that, I think he's going to be a very happy, healthy little kitten and grow into be a very sweet, happy cat. So, yeah, he's a sweetheart. He's definitely a cuddler.
Adrianne (Host) :
Yes, he is.
Laura (Guest) :
I think he decided after somebody bigger tried to eat him that, you know what, I kind of like this being held and protected. This is an okay deal. Yeah. He likes these human bodyguards. Yeah. He has a staff and bodyguards and all kinds of stuff. He's got his own personal chef right now. So if you notice his nose, he's got kind of a... A little scraper stuff. Well, and I think part of that is canned cat food that's dried on top of there. So it looks kind of ecky, but no, I think he just needs a good face wash. No, when they're little kittens like that, it always helps to have a nice warm washcloth around because they don't have mommy kitty right now. So you get to be mommy kitty and do some of the preening on their faces and their ears and stuff like that. Maybe they're from their little hands whenever they get into stuff they're not supposed to, but... and they will oh yeah well digging cat food right they like to get in the wet cat food and play with it and all right did i startle you i think he will go fairly quickly so if you're looking for anybody who hasn't seen him he is gray in color has a little white around his muzzle and Down under his chin, that kind of thing. So he's kind of different. He does not have a white tip on the end of his tail, which is very unique. Usually, if they've got a little white on right there on the tip of the tail, and he does not. So he missed out on that, I guess.
Adrianne (Host) :
He has a little bit of white eyeliner right now. I don't know if he'll grow out of that when he gets bigger or if he'll keep it, but it's very striking.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, he's a pretty good-looking little boy.
Adrianne (Host) :
You know you're cute, don't you? Yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
He's going to be one of those boys. No.
Adrianne (Host) :
Maybe a little bit. Most cats are. Let's be real.
Laura (Guest) :
Well, yeah. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Or a maƮtre d'. "There's something in my water bowl. . ."
Adrianne (Host) :
". . . I'll just drink out of yours instead."
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, exactly. What's in that glass? But kitties right now we're doing pretty good on. Still very, very, very full on puppy dogs. So if you're looking for either, please come check us out. We do have the new board outside that has puppy dog pictures.
Adrianne (Host) :
Oh, great.
Laura (Guest) :
So we've got all of those up. We're still waiting on getting possibly a second board for our kitty cats. But right now it's better just to go inside because we don't have very many in the free room room. So you can go out there and hang out with them. and see who picks you out to snuggle and cuddle, yeah.
Adrianne (Host) :
Sure. I think that's the way to do it.
Laura (Guest) :
This little guy's being spoiled. He's up in the office with the staff, and so he gets more attention than anybody else in the building. Oh, I bet.
Adrianne (Host) :
I mean, how could you not spoil this face?
Laura (Guest) :
I think all he has to do is do a couple of meows, and then it's like, oh, what's wrong with the kitty, you know? The kitty is playing you. You are being trained. You are the person in training.
Adrianne (Host) :
You're pretty smart, huh?
Laura (Guest) :
Oh, yeah. He just curled his tail up when you asked him that. I was like, well, yes. But lots to pick from right now. So if you're interested, please check us out Monday through Friday. I don't remember, noon to five, I believe, or six on two nights a week. And just check out our Facebook page. That's the best way. Always call and ask questions. You know, if there's something that hasn't been discussed or highlighted, call and talk to somebody. That's the best way to do it. 660-885-7999. If nobody answers, leave a message. It means that they're probably, I don't know, playing with the cat.
Adrianne (Host) :
Toby had a demand for his staff and they can't get to the phone just yet.
Laura (Guest) :
Or they're doing laundry dishes, walking, cleaning, feeding. There's a couple things to do down there. Just one or two. Yeah, just a couple things. Is he kind of chewing on you a little bit? Yeah. Chewing on your fingers. He just looks very comfortable right now. We have squirrels that look like that in the tree where it's real hot. They just get on a branch and they hang their legs over. This is kind of what he's doing right now. He's just kind of hanging over her arm like, yeah, I'm pretty secure right here. This is okay. She's not going to throw me down or drop me. He's just pretty relaxed. Although if you're looking for a kitty that is very, very relaxed and calm, I'm not going to guarantee you that that's going to stay.
Laura (Guest) :
Laura (Guest) :
Because I think when he gets to feeling 100%, I think he's going to be a little firecracker. So, you know, get out the laser light and the little jingle balls and that kind of thing. He's going to be a good player kitty.
Adrianne (Host) :
Get his energy back. He's just had a long day right now.
Laura (Guest) :
He's tuckered out.
Adrianne (Host) :
everybody in the rooms picked him up and held him and talked to him it's like it's just so stressful and it's hard work being this adored isn't it toby i know it's rough the paparazzi's always after you time for a nap either 100 or asleep that's usually oh yeah yeah there's no in between usually
Laura (Guest) :
Unless it's eating.
Adrianne (Host) :
Well, yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
If it's eating time, it's different, you know, but the rest of the time we're either running back and forth or crashed out. Yep. I figure doing this and getting him all awake and, you know, petting him and playing with him and stuff like that, I'll take him back down to the shelter and then he'll be like, meow, meow, meow, meow. Right. You're welcome, girls. Thank you.
Adrianne (Host) :
I have to go. See you.
Laura (Guest) :
I have to go back to work now. Sorry. And then everybody walks in there, oh, look at the poor baby kitty. So it'll work into his favor.
Adrianne (Host) :
Of course.
Laura (Guest) :
And I believe we have one more day on Dog Special. Is that correct?
Adrianne (Host) :
I think that's what I saw. August 31st, right? Yep. Yep.
Laura (Guest) :
Tomorrow will be the last one. And Monday will be Labor Day. We will be there walking and cleaning and doing stuff like that. But we probably will not be open to the public unless you call and make an appointment now. Make it early. Right. Just so we know that there's somebody that will be able to be there and take time to one-on-one with whoever it is you're wanting to meet.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
Don't wait until Monday at lunchtime. Yeah, not a good idea.
Laura (Guest) :
The whole surprise thing is never a good deal.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Just kind of give somebody a heads up and everything should work out fine. Spoiled kitty. For anybody who's listening, he's laying on his back, purring away.
Adrianne (Host) :
He's built up just like a baby.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. Doing some snuggles. And tune in next week when we hear Adrian say, that new kitten I adopted.
Adrianne (Host) :
Well, I'm up to four cats.
Laura (Guest) :
Don't tell anybody where I live. I will be evicted.
Adrianne (Host) :
Well, Laura came to my house and took away my cats for hoarding.
Laura (Guest) :
No, no, no. We know your situation's a pretty good little deal, so not a problem. Like, I don't know where she lives. I don't want to know where she lives.
Adrianne (Host) :
I just know they're spoiled wherever they are.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, that's right. Somebody calls and says somebody's got eight cats. It's like, are they being fed, watered, and well cared for? Yeah. It's okay. Right. Yes. Good boy. We like to take in the ones like him who have been injured, displaced, starved to death, that kind of thing. Kind of a backup plan. Not really someplace that somebody can just say, oh, I've got all these cats and I don't want to take care of them anymore. That's not really what we're here for. But, you know, like, please keep taking care of your babies. There's a lot of them out there. They're everywhere right now. So take care of the ones you can and help the ones you can't.
Adrianne (Host) :
And give them great big snuggles.
Laura (Guest) :
Yes. And put the kittens to sleep when you're sitting there holding them and petting them. That kind of sleep, not the other kind of sleep. Like you guys are kind of boring. I'm just going to go ahead and take a cat nap. And we have our Vegas night that's coming up October the 5th. It's going to be at the Elks Convention Center banquet room. It's right across the hallway. It's going to be a lot of fun. We've had several businesses and individuals who have sponsored tables. So we'll have blackjack, plinko, roulette, craps, I think. There's several different things to pick from. I'm not very good at this. I don't bet very often. But I will be there that night. So I don't always know the names of all this stuff. But it's supposed to be a lot of fun. And all of the money will go back to help the shelter with everything that we're going through, like kitten surgeries with hips and all kinds of heartworm. We've had a lot of heartworm this year. I think it's close to $1,000 to treat heartworm anymore. It's just unreal how expensive it gets. And it's very dangerous to do. So I think that's part of the cost on that. We've got a lot of bills coming in, so that's what we're going to do. We're going to try to have a fun night, make some cash flow to pay off some of these really big bills, and everybody can have a really good time knowing what they've done.
Adrianne (Host) :
Sounds fantastic to me.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, I think it'll be good.
Adrianne (Host) :
You're going to go deal blackjack?
Laura (Guest) :
We're going to go smuggle a cat or two in.
Adrianne (Host) :
You could fit in my purse easy. Like sneaking candy into the movie theater, but instead I've got cats.
Laura (Guest) :
Might be a little different evening that way.
Adrianne (Host) :
Yeah, not a good idea. I'm not suggesting it. I'm just saying.
Laura (Guest) :
What's the one that's got the ball that goes round and round? Is that the roulette one? Yeah, as the cat's chasing the ball all the way around the table. No, that could be a fun variation. That could be very fun. Where do you think the cat's going to end?
Adrianne (Host) :
I'm going to put my chips on the corner of the room. Under the table.
Laura (Guest) :
All right.
Adrianne (Host) :
And I saw one of our former friends, Chachi, got adopted. He did. Oh, I'm so excited. He was such a good dog.
Laura (Guest) :
Such a good boy.
Adrianne (Host) :
So, yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
Excited to hear he went to a very nice lady with a giant fenced-in backyard. Oh, that'll be awesome. So he's going to have a lot of sofa time, but he's also going to get rid of the squirrels out of the backyard time. Sounds perfect for Chachi. Both ends of the spectrum there. So he's going to do very well.
Adrianne (Host) :
Good news. Glad to hear it.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. I believe he's going to have a puggy as a sibling.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. We're going to be talking about opposite ends of the spectrum there. Right. Like, Tachi's kind of tall. But I think they will do fine because he's good with dogs, cats, everything. So there should not be any problems there at all. I think he'll fit right in.
Adrianne (Host) :
Glad to hear it. Well, if you would like to meet Toby or any of the other cats and dogs looking for homes at the Clinton Animal Shelter... Like Miss Laura said, 660-885-7999. Try to set an appointment. And if no one answers when you call, do leave a voicemail. They have a lot to take care of. They can also use volunteers, donations. And if you're not quite ready to commit to an adoption, you can foster. They'll let you take home a kitten like Toby for just a couple weeks and see if it's for you. You can borrow Toby the kitten. And just for a little bit. And I'm almost talking myself into it. I need to stop. sold like i said last week or next week it'll be and last week when adrian decided to take toby home my foster failed toby no no toby no you're just so cute but do donate adopt foster volunteer the clinton animal shelter and toby would appreciate it do we have anything else we need to add miss laura
Laura (Guest) :
Just check Facebook every single day because we get in every time somebody comes in new. If you've got one that's missing, check our Facebook page first because we get pictures up every single day. And if you see something you like, give us a holler.
Adrianne (Host) :
Sounds great. And if you don't want to look on Facebook, there's a whole board right next to the door. You can walk up there and take a peek in person. Yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
Late at night, early in the morning, during the middle of the day, whatever time suits you, just come check it out because they try to keep that up to date. Lots of babies to look at.
Adrianne (Host) :
That sounds great. Well, Ms. Laura, thank you for coming by.
Laura (Guest) :
No, thanks for having us out.
Adrianne (Host) :
Toby, thank you for the snuggles. You are adorable. Oh, thank you. And, of course, thank you to our sponsors, Dave & Newman State Farm and The Dog Grimmer, who make it possible for me to snuggle tiny kittens once a week. here on katie katie pet of the week this has been adrian and of course thanks to all of you as well for listening take care