The KDKD Pet of the Week is Fawn! She may look and sound tough at first meeting, but it doesn't take long to realize this big girl is actually just a big teddy bear who loves hugs and kisses, and could delicately take a dog biscuit out of a card house without knocking it over (if one could withstand the breeze from her wagging tail, that is). Her voice might sound growly, but 5 minutes with Fawn will prove that she's not angry--she's just making sure everyone within earshot notices how sweet she is.
Adrianne (Host) :
All right, welcome back to KDKD Pet of the Week, brought to you by Davin Newman State Farm and The Dog Groomer. This is Adrianne, and with me in the studio is Miss Laura Himes of the Clinton Animal Rescue Endeavor and the Clinton Animal Shelter. Hello, Miss Laura.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host)
And who do we have here today who's slurping a little bit on the microphone?
Laura (Guest) :
I brought Fawn in with me today, and she's telling me it's a little warm outside.
Adrianne (Host)
It's important to stay hydrated, Fawn. It is important.
Even if it's a little loud, you can't help that. I know. Drink up, girlfriend. You are so sweet.
Laura (Guest) :
She's one of those deceiving dogs. She's very waggy and happy, but she has this very deep roar. It's like she's going to eat you alive. It's like, no, she's not going to eat you, especially if you get dog bones. Right.
Adrianne (Host) :
That's a good girl.
Laura (Guest) :
Good mama.
Adrianne (Host) :
You're not tough, are you?
Laura (Guest) :
Good girl. Oh, there it is. Yeah, tell us how it is. Sweet girl. Good girl, mama. So Fawn came to us. I'm not sure exactly where she came in from, but we're thinking she's about four years old. So she's not puppy puppy. Speaking of which, it looks like she's had several litters of puppies. So we're glad that she came in and she's going to have her little snip and clip surgery here very soon. And then she doesn't have to worry about being anything but the puppy. Good. She can be the one that can be the baby of the house. So.
Adrianne (Host) :
I think it's her turn.
Laura (Guest) :
It is her turn.
Adrianne (Host) :
Past her turn, really.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah. I hate when people, you know, puppy after puppy after puppy after puppy. It's just not, it's hard on them. It really is. Good mama.
Adrianne (Host) :
Good girl.
Laura (Guest) :
Did you eat your bone?
Adrianne (Host) :
Yes, she did. She is. Fawn is not a small girl. She's not a dainty little darling. She's not. She's kind of sturdy and broad-shouldered, but she takes those treats so gently.
Laura (Guest) :
Yeah, she's very well-behaved. Yes. She is a good girl. I think she really enjoys just having somebody pet her, talk to her, just lay your hand on her and let her know that you're around. I think she just doesn't like to be by herself. She kind of likes to have somebody that's going to take care of her. And, uh, She's got some scars. She's got some wounds from where she was out on her own. And, you know, somebody else probably, you know, I don't know if she got in somebody else's territory by accident or, you know, we just don't know what the situation was. But she does have some marks. So far, she's not really shown any aggression to us as far as other dogs. And, of course, not people at all. I mean, but the voice is deceiving. Oh, sure. So if you want somebody that will scare everybody else off but will take treats like a baby, I mean... She's your girl. So she's very sweet. She is.
Adrianne (Host) :
Oh, my goodness.
Laura (Guest) :
I think they came up with her name Fawn because that's kind of her coloring. She's kind of a fawn color. She is.
Adrianne (Host) :
And she's got a little white spot on her back of her neck like a fawn does. She's usually on their backs, but that's okay.
Laura (Guest) :
Get the little polka dots. You look like a fawn. Yeah. And that tail is kind of wicked. When she's happy, she can, you know, co-wap, co-wap it. No, it's all good. And she has a tip on her tail, too. Oh, there we go. A tiny white tip on her tail. You've got a little tiny spot there, you good girl. You're a good girl. I like you too. She does have the deep voice. And she is a bully mix. So she's got that fear of the bully breeds. But she's really well behaved. She's got kind of dark around her eyes and her muzzle. Very pretty. She's just a pretty girl. And really very well behaved. Great big chunk of love. Walks good on the leash. Sits great in the car. Didn't have any problems there. She rode very well. Got in by herself. That's always kind of a plus.
Adrianne (Host) :
When you're as big as Fawn, that's a really big plus. You're a little bit big to be hauled around. You can be a lap dog for sure. You can sit in my lap. She would like to. I really think she'd be a great. She is working so hard to sit in this lap. I know. You want to be a lap dog.
Laura (Guest) :
What do you think, Sissy? Goodness. Here we go. Okay. I made her. Figured it out. There we go. Got to get another drink. Okay.
Adrianne (Host) :
You're so good.
Laura (Guest) :
Good girl.
Adrianne (Host) :
You can come sit on me.
Laura (Guest) :
I do think she's a talker. I think that's a big part of her personality. Oh, yeah. She just likes to make herself known and do a little talking and, hey, this place is okay. I like dog bones and fresh water. This is okay.
Laura (Guest) :
Right, yeah.
Laura (Guest) :
She got water out of the water jug. She didn't even have to have tap water. We got an uptown area here. This is pretty good. Like I said, I'm not really sure her history as to where she came from. I just know when she came in. And it looks like she had recently had puppies. So she's still tight and it's tightened up just a little bit from that. But she's very well behaved. Yes. Very talkative. Likes to kiss on your face. She's one of those vicious guys. Likes to drown you in slobber. Like of thing right beat you with tail wags and onion kisses that's scary she's part of the mafia you know this is her two traits but she's not the only one of course we've got so many right now we were doing head count the other day and I think we're over 30 some dogs right now that's just in shelter that's not counting everybody that's in foster and we do have several in foster we do have a couple of puppies that just came in really cute they're supposed to go to their foster home though so I didn't bring any of them out today There's two. There's a little boy, and he is kind of a brownie, brindle, fluffy. Oh. And then we're going to say sister, guess. I mean, they came in together. She's a little girl, and she's mostly black, and she almost looks like she's got some doxy with really long ears. So I don't know what they are anymore. Exactly, but they're both adorable right now, and I'm sure they're both going to turn into very pretty dogs.
Adrianne (Host) :
Oh, sure.
Laura (Guest) :
So if you're interested in a puppy right now, check our foster page. We do have puppies that are available for adoption, and we just had one of our ladies who looks a little bit like Fawn. She's got a little more boxer, you know, characteristics, but... She's out with one of our board members because she just blessed us with eight babies. Oh, my goodness. She came in and was expecting. Oh, boy. We were not expecting. And then it was kind of like, oh, surprise, we're expecting. So we've got eight puppies there, too. So if you're looking for a, if you definitely want a puppy, get your name on the list because she's got some really pretty ones. And like I said, they're only like two days old now. So it's going to be a while. Oh, my goodness. I know. Yeah. After the kids go back to school, you can have a baby at home, right? Oh, you don't want them to have a baby. You want them to have you.
Adrianne (Host) :
That's the problem right there. Fawn says, do not adopt the puppies. Adopt Fawn first and treat her like a baby. Yes.
Laura (Guest) :
Like a 70-pound baby.
Laura (Guest) :
Laura (Guest) :
I don't think you're that much, sister. I was just exaggerating. I love giant dogs who think they're little. Yeah. I really do, Fawn. She tries to fit in the spot, you know? It's like, oh, I've got this much room. No, you don't. I can make this work. Aw. She's really sucking this up. She likes being the only dog, getting the attention, getting the pampered. So if you need a princess at your house, Princess Fawn would be a good one. Princess Fawn. She would like to have a big, pretty pink collar. Mm-hmm. and maybe a fuchsia pink pillow to lay on or something like that. Well, yeah. She's got to have the fancy stuff.
Adrianne (Host) :
You would be such a good princess. Would you wear a tiara?
Laura (Guest) :
And you'd pay them back by scaring every mailman away.
Adrianne (Host) :
No squirrels in your yard.
Laura (Guest) :
No squirrels in the yard, no. Got those door-to-door salesmen? No problem. Want one more? So gentle.
Adrianne (Host) :
So good. That is amazing. You are such a good girl. Oh my goodness.
Laura (Guest) :
So we've got, I think we've got just about everybody. Oh, and we've got lots of kittens right now. Lots of kittens. It is kitten season. Cash just every shape, size, color, long hair, short hair, you know, whatever you want. Please put yourself on a wish list because whenever they become available, we're going to have several to pick from all at once. Oh boy. Yeah. They all kind of came in together. So a lot of them are in foster care. Like our puppies, we like to keep them out of the shelter just so that they don't get any of the, you know, the viruses or whatever that they could be exposed to. We try to keep them in a somewhat small container.
Adrianne (Host) :
Just like sending your kid to daycare.
Laura (Guest) :
It's not that the other kids are nasty. It's just that it happens. Yeah. So when your kid's sick, you want to put them somewhere where they're away from everybody else. Or when everybody else is sick, you like to keep them at home.
Adrianne (Host) :
Just a reminder to you parents, back to school is coming up in about a month. So stock up on the vitamin C and the zinc right now because as soon as you put them in the room together, the germs just sort of multiply. Clorox wipes. Clorox wipes. Those are awesome. We use them everywhere. Teachers don't want apples. They want Clorox wipes.
Laura (Guest) :
Yes, they do. And so does the animal shelter. Yes. Same kind of thing. They have babies. We have babies. Same deal. Exactly.
Adrianne (Host) :
It's me. And you want treats.
Laura (Guest) :
Yes. And lots of dog bones. Yes. Oh, my goodness. You are a princess. Miss Laura was right. She's just a good girl. Yes, you are. I mean, just really docile. But she's got enough energy. She goes for good walks. Oh, sure. I mean, she does really well. We take her out for a walk. She goes clear down around the storage buildings and stuff. Just our normal route. And she loves it, but she doesn't pull you.
Adrianne (Host) :
I can see her enjoying the company on walks almost as much as the sightseeing.
Laura (Guest) :
Oh, yeah. Talk to her. Come with me. Come look at this. She's one of the good ones. I know some of them like to drag you, but she doesn't. She's really well-behaved. You can sit in my lap. I like that. Of course, we have the opposite. We've got one of them that likes to go halfway down and lay down. Like, come on, buddy. You've got to go a little bit further. We've got to go back.
Adrianne (Host) :
Carry me, Miss Laura. Yeah, I was like, no. I'm tired. So am I. Yeah, woof. You're calling him a crybaby.
Laura (Guest) :
I agree.
Adrianne (Host) :
Not you, though. You're a tough guy. She's all intrigued. Speaking of the kittens, are they still on special until the end of July? Yes. Yes, they are.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
And that's spay, neuter, all the vaccinations. Even if they can't get them all at once, they're covered in the adoption package.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
I know sometimes the little kittens, you've got to split them up into a couple visits.
Laura (Guest) :
Adrianne (Host) :
They're so tiny.
Laura (Guest) :
Our puppies are the same way. Right, yeah. When you adopt a puppy... They will have a series of three different vaccinations to build up their immune system. But it's all covered. When you pay the adoption fee, if they've had one, if they've had three, it's all covered. Same thing. If they've only had one, you just come back for the other two. There you go. No charge. That is a good deal. We need to talk about Fawn, she says. We're done talking about puppies. We're talking about me. She is a princess. Oh, my goodness, Fawn. Who said, I want to talk about me? Oh, yes.
Laura (Guest) :
Laura (Guest) :
Here she is.
Adrianne (Host) :
Occasionally, I want to talk about me. You are so good. Well, if you can make those donations of Clorox wipes, dog bones, treats, pretty, pretty princess pillows to the Clinton Animal Shelter, donate, volunteer your time. I know you always need someone to walk the dogs, brush the cats, do the laundry, do paperwork. Dishes. Dishes. So many things.
Laura (Guest) :
It's just like running a business. Right. But we get extras. We get to have kisses and snuggles. So it's kind of a bonus.
Adrianne (Host) :
Right. And you can stop by and talk to Fawn and only Fawn. Yes. Because she's the princess.
Laura (Guest) :
If I go back for my nap, I'll let you deal with some other people. But right now, it's me.
Adrianne (Host) :
If you can foster, if you can adopt outright. Again, Fawn sounds a little bit tough. She will scare away squirrels and intruders and anybody you don't want while she sits on your lap and whacks you in the head with your tail. Yeah, wait, wait, wait. Gives you kisses. Good girl. But call the Clinton Animal Shelter, 660-885-7999. If nobody answers, they are busy, busy, busy. Please leave a voicemail. Somebody will pick it up when they get a breather. We always like to call back, but it may take us a bit. Right. Fawn might be dominating the conversation when that happens. Can you call back, Fawn? Can you talk on the phone?
Laura (Guest) :
Are we talking about me now? Okay, now you've got our attention.
Adrianne (Host) :
Good girl. Oh, thank you for the hug. I think that's a yes.
Laura (Guest) :
Oh, you're going to talk into the microphone.
Adrianne (Host) :
That's perfect. You are so good.
Laura (Guest) :
Aw, kisses.
Adrianne (Host) :
I like you too, sis. I do. You're a pretty girl.
Laura (Guest) :
But definitely... Come check us out Monday through Friday from noon until 6, I believe. Check our website. Is it noon to 4 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday, Thursday, 2 to 6? And we're trying to open it up a little bit more. So just call us. Check us out on Facebook. You know, I get confused. I forget today. So, you know. So just check us out on Facebook at Clinton Animal Shelter. Make sure it's Clinton, Missouri. It'll have all of the new posts. Everybody that comes in brand new will have a picture taken and put out on Facebook, hopefully getting them back home if they're lost. And if not, finding their new home if they're just abandoned. Terrible.
Adrianne (Host) :
It is terrible that I'm getting kisses all over my face.
Laura (Guest) :
I'm telling you, she's a mafia girl. She's a hit girl.
Adrianne (Host) :
Laura (Guest) :
Killed with slobbers. And tail wags.
Adrianne (Host)
Yes. She'll just love you to death!
Adrianne (Host) :
Good girl, Fawn. All right, Ms. Laura, is that everything we needed to talk about today?
Laura (Guest) :
I think that's everything.
Adrianne (Host) :
All right, Fawn, anything else to say to the people while you're chatting for us? You're done? Okay.
Laura (Guest) :
Pink. I like pink.
Adrianne (Host) :
Yes, pink. And dog treats and snuggles. Please remember. That's on Fawn's wish list.
Laura (Guest) :
And a bigger lap, maybe. She'll make do with the small ones if that's all you've got.
Adrianne (Host) :
Well, thank you to our sponsors, Davin Newman State Farm and The Dog Groomer. Thanks to all of you for listening. This has been Adrianne and Miss Laura and Fawn with the KDKD Pet of the Week. Take care.